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Amendments to the Energy Act

The latest amendments to Bulgarian Energy Act (“EA”) entered into force as at 24 July 2015. The announced purpose of the amendments is to improve the financial status of Bulgarian energy system by applying


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Changes to the Labour Code

Bill for amendments of the Labour Code has been published in State Gazette, Issue 54. The amendments to the Labour Code entered into force on the date of their promulgations, 17 July 2015. The


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New Energy Efficiency Act

Bulgarian parliament adopted a new Energy Efficiency Act on 30 April 2015 implementing the provisions of EU Directive 2012/27/EC on the energy efficiency and introducing new measures for increase of the energy efficiency for


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Sanctions in agricultural land regime postponed

By virtue of amendments of the Ownership and Use of Agricultural Land Act (OUALA) dated 20 February 2015 the legislator introduced solid sanctions in case of breach of the restrictions concerning ownership over agricultural


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Amendments to the Commercial Register Act

Bulgarian Parliament approved amendments to the Commercial Register Act (CRA), with which our legislation adopted the provisions of Directive 2012/17/ЕU concerning the interconnection of central, commercial and companies registers within EU. Pursuant to the


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